Purchase Information

    Production Time:
    4-6 weeks
    Delivery Method:
    Other Information:

    Class II

    2m black pvc cable with black inline switch.

    Baby Bloom Lamp

    Production Material:
    Quality Trimmings:
    Birch Ply frame and base
    Unit Height:
    Unit Width:

    Introducing ‘Baby-Bloom Lamp’, another Eco-Friendly sustainable product in the Bloom lighting collection, handmade in Suffolk at Storm Furniture. The curved wood shades are made from Sycamore leaves which gently curl down to a rigid frame. A special handmade lamp base allows the shade to sit safely whilst emitting a soft natural glow through the wood veneer.
    The pumpkin shaped structure can sit on the floor or table giving a cozy feel to your interior. A brushed brass knob is fitted to the top of the shade to allow easy access to the bulb without handling the delicate veneer leaves.

    The Baby-Bloomlamp is available in Sycamore only and in two sizes, Bloom and Baby-Bloom (this listing is for the smaller Baby-Bloom lamp). The entire lamp has been left raw without any varnish or lacquer leaving it as natural as possible.


    A60 LED 12w softline bulb included

    Important note : If using a different LED bulb than the one supplied with the lamp, DO NOT use larger than A60 size LED bulbs and max 12w


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